ACCJ the Journal December 2015 - Contents Vol. 52, Issue 12

2015 ACCJ Kansai Walk-A-Thon

ACCJ Kansai Event "What Can Be Done to Promote Diversity & Inclusion to Make Kansai a Prefe

ACCJ The Journal - Practical Steps to Workplace Diversity - Kansai Women in Business Summit 2015

ACCJ The Journal - Board Approves New Initiative to Support SMEs and Younger ACCJ Members

ACCJ The Journal - TEAJ 2015 Japan’s Silicon Valley Laying the Foundation for Risk-takers

ACCJ The Journal - 2015 JMEC AWARDS - Where Talent Meets Passion

Resilience Dialogue - Bringing Resilience to Scale for Post 2015 Goals

Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan launch on meeting at the Third UN World Conference on Disaster R

BCCJ ACUMEN - London 2012 chief looks towards Tokyo 2020

BCCJ ACUMEN - Shine On! Kids - Hawaii Warms Hearts - Event raises ¥26mn for sick children

ACCJ The Journal - Next-generation Leaders, JMEC 20 draws participants from 15 nations

BCCJ ACUMEN - JMEC 20 Business plan to enter and expand in japan

BCCJ ACUMEN - February 2014 Community

The Entrepreneur Awards Japan TEAJ - Ambassador Kennedy Recognizes Japanese Entrepreneurs

ACCJ The Journal - Doing Things Differently

BCCJ ACUMEN - Great Year for Great Causes

ACCJ The Journal - Welcome Ambassador Kennedy

BCCJ ACUMEN - JMEC 19 Winners Announced

BCCJ ACUMEN - A Taste of Home