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ACCJ The Journal - Oki Matsumoto: Monex Group, Creating a financial company for the future

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Oki Matsumoto: Monex Group, Inc. Creating a financial company for the future

Wall Street investment banks have become the stuff of legend; places where “masters of the universe” routinely move massive amounts of money around the globe. The banks are also highly coveted by young and fiercely ambitious university graduates.

But in Japan in the 1980s, their name recognition was close to zero, even among job-seeking grads, recalled Oki Matsumoto, CEO of Monex Group, Inc., an online brokerage based in Tokyo but with group companies and subsidiaries around the world.

The ACCJ - 在日米国商工会議所

COVER STORY | FINANCE May 2014  Oki Matsumoto: Monex Group, Inc. Creating a financial company for the future  Wall Street investment banks have become the stuff of legend; places where “masters of the universe” routinely move massive amounts of money around the globe. The banks are also highly coveted by young and fiercely ambitious university graduates. But in Japan in the 1980s, their name recognition was close to zero, even among job-seeking grads, recalled Oki Matsumoto, CEO of Monex Group, Inc., an online brokerage based in Tokyo but with group companies and subsidiaries around the world.  The ACCJ - 在日米国商工会議所
COVER STORY | FINANCE May 2014  Oki Matsumoto: Monex Group, Inc. Creating a financial company for the future  Wall Street investment banks have become the stuff of legend; places where “masters of the universe” routinely move massive amounts of money around the globe. The banks are also highly coveted by young and fiercely ambitious university graduates. But in Japan in the 1980s, their name recognition was close to zero, even among job-seeking grads, recalled Oki Matsumoto, CEO of Monex Group, Inc., an online brokerage based in Tokyo but with group companies and subsidiaries around the world.  The ACCJ - 在日米国商工会議所
COVER STORY | FINANCE May 2014  Oki Matsumoto: Monex Group, Inc. Creating a financial company for the future  Wall Street investment banks have become the stuff of legend; places where “masters of the universe” routinely move massive amounts of money around the globe. The banks are also highly coveted by young and fiercely ambitious university graduates. But in Japan in the 1980s, their name recognition was close to zero, even among job-seeking grads, recalled Oki Matsumoto, CEO of Monex Group, Inc., an online brokerage based in Tokyo but with group companies and subsidiaries around the world.  The ACCJ - 在日米国商工会議所
COVER STORY | FINANCE May 2014  Oki Matsumoto: Monex Group, Inc. Creating a financial company for the future  Wall Street investment banks have become the stuff of legend; places where “masters of the universe” routinely move massive amounts of money around the globe. The banks are also highly coveted by young and fiercely ambitious university graduates. But in Japan in the 1980s, their name recognition was close to zero, even among job-seeking grads, recalled Oki Matsumoto, CEO of Monex Group, Inc., an online brokerage based in Tokyo but with group companies and subsidiaries around the world.  The ACCJ - 在日米国商工会議所

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