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ACCJ The Journal - Events August 2016

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ACCJ the Journal August 2016 - Page 48

The ACCJ - 在日米国商工会議所

ACCJ the Journal August 2016 - Page 48    The ACCJ - 在日米国商工会議所   ​​  Akiko Nakajo, director, regional head of APAC Partner Plex, Google Japan inc. Dawn Dicandilo, senior director, medical excellence, AstraZeneca KK Heike Prinz, operating officier, head of business unit cardiovascular and neurology, Bayer Yakuhin Ltd. Royanne Doi, corporate chief ethics officer, Prudential Financial inc. Mary Anne Jorgensen, ACCJ Kansai Women in Business Chair  at the ACCJ Kansai Women in business Summit on June 29 at the Ritz-Carlton, Osaka  ​​   Participants in the Kansai Women in Business Summit posted their learnings and pledges on the "Comment and Commitment" wall. Many also enjoyed reviewing what was written during the reception after the summit on June 29 at the Ritaz-Carlton, Osaka. ​​

Akiko Nakajo, director, regional head of APAC Partner Plex, Google Japan inc.

Dawn Dicandilo, senior director, medical excellence, AstraZeneca KK

Heike Prinz, operating officier, head of business unit cardiovascular and neurology, Bayer Yakuhin Ltd.

Royanne Doi, corporate chief ethics officer, Prudential Financial inc.

Mary Anne Jorgensen, ACCJ Kansai Women in Business Chair

at the ACCJ Kansai Women in business Summit on June 29 at the Ritz-Carlton, Osaka

ACCJ the Journal August 2016 - Page 48    The ACCJ - 在日米国商工会議所   ​​  Akiko Nakajo, director, regional head of APAC Partner Plex, Google Japan inc. Dawn Dicandilo, senior director, medical excellence, AstraZeneca KK Heike Prinz, operating officier, head of business unit cardiovascular and neurology, Bayer Yakuhin Ltd. Royanne Doi, corporate chief ethics officer, Prudential Financial inc. Mary Anne Jorgensen, ACCJ Kansai Women in Business Chair  at the ACCJ Kansai Women in business Summit on June 29 at the Ritz-Carlton, Osaka  ​​   Participants in the Kansai Women in Business Summit posted their learnings and pledges on the "Comment and Commitment" wall. Many also enjoyed reviewing what was written during the reception after the summit on June 29 at the Ritaz-Carlton, Osaka. ​​

Participants in the Kansai Women in Business Summit posted their learnings and pledges on the "Comment and Commitment" wall. Many also enjoyed reviewing what was written during the reception after the summit on June 29 at the Ritaz-Carlton, Osaka.

ACCJ the Journal August 2016 - Page 48    The ACCJ - 在日米国商工会議所   ​​  Akiko Nakajo, director, regional head of APAC Partner Plex, Google Japan inc. Dawn Dicandilo, senior director, medical excellence, AstraZeneca KK Heike Prinz, operating officier, head of business unit cardiovascular and neurology, Bayer Yakuhin Ltd. Royanne Doi, corporate chief ethics officer, Prudential Financial inc. Mary Anne Jorgensen, ACCJ Kansai Women in Business Chair  at the ACCJ Kansai Women in business Summit on June 29 at the Ritz-Carlton, Osaka  ​​   Participants in the Kansai Women in Business Summit posted their learnings and pledges on the "Comment and Commitment" wall. Many also enjoyed reviewing what was written during the reception after the summit on June 29 at the Ritaz-Carlton, Osaka. ​​

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